WIFLP standing for whenever i feel like posting since i know this won't be daily..weekly..nor monthly. just whenever i feel like it..i'm not good at schedules.

this is for sharing and talking about (usually) underrated (usually) nu metal albums i like and to share it with you so that you can also enjoy them like me. if you'd like to tell me some or also express your feelings about the album you can ..err i guess post about it on the guestbook if you'd like others to see or tell me about it on spacehey i love hearing ppls thoughts on the music i love even if its bad... i don't really know since i'm too lazy to do all that comment stuff..again i'm not a big coder guy i'm not smart enough for that

my song of choice:

唱好香港 lazymuthafucka / LMF

7/24 another non album..this is an EP that's sorta mixed, which is a good thing. some songs are just rap on it's own, but again is good..cuz it sounds real good! sort of like how IH5 has some rap songs in their album attack of the inbred honkies..this band is from hong kong, and alot of bands from like..that area of asias real good. also a misspelled name, alotta bands with badly spelled names are awesome..

band pic below ...

next up :: ..probably miphix, or that other lady band. i'd like to give ppl who like bands with lady singers such as kittie more to listen to...there needs to be more known than just kittie and otep