notice the album cover on the side (right) on homepage? click that to see the current album! this is where i will put the albums/what i think about albums when i write up a new one so that you can still see things to listen to. so go click it!

my song of choice:

figured blÿss

7/23 more perfect nu-metal in my opinion!!! awesome old skool stuff, screaming singing and rapping, awesome!!! and in a good way, it sounds good obviously...i don't think it's on stuff like spotify. maybe soundcloud, but i know it's on youtube. and everyone likes fight club..guess what the album intros from...

band pic below ...

ok,theres like 50 blysses n i'm not smart enough to know which is which, and the band ain't big enough to where i can tell who the members are by a 12x30 pic...n they prolly aint the right one anyway judging by stuff i u get this. i like how it looks, personally...

my song of choice:

tighten the cap sckapegoat

7/22 (kinda. it's 2AM currently..but idc.) ohhhh i love sckapegoat so much!!!!! one of my favorites. if u want singing and rapping with again awesome lyrics great instrument stuffs heres an album for u!!! or band, at that. there's no song deserving of a skip in the whole album, and all of them are awesome, even my least favorite one. perfect nu-metal!!! u can tell by the band members hair. the vocalist is my age, in my opinion very impressive for a little kid..i assumed he was like 20! better than so many older guys! i was just wondering how old they were cuz of how little they looked in some pics, then i saw in a comment that the vocalist was pretty young. see, he's only 14 better than you! get up and start practicing!!!! go rap bonerbitch!!!!!

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oh,hazsub is amazing...please go check them on social medias to see lots and lots of nu metal u've never heard of..even i haven't seen...

my song of choice:

n/a deathtape

please go listen on youtube, or other streaming services

7/21 this is a single, instead of an album, probably cuz they're very new. which is good, because it seems like a lot of people have already found their music! their music is great, having only 4 singles, and i have a feeling they'll be big in the future..go check out the music video linked above, since embeds are off and i want you to go to their channel so that they get more views n stuff. the vocals remind me of slipknot, halfgain at some points.. and the instrument stuff sckapegoat, which all are good.. they're being advertised by some nu-metal pages i've seen so maybe you've already heard of them lol doesn't matter, theyre good. going back to sckapegoat, if you like them, you'll definitely like deathtape..again, go click that link above this to listen to them, also on streaming services! give them more attention cuz theyre great and new! i'd love to hear your opinions on this band...

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my song of choice:

bo bee gee malachi crunch

7/20 if u want a good underrated beautiful but still kickass album this is for you..luckily this is a bit more known but i still feel like less people know about it than they should. the singers 'singing voice' (not sure what to call it..that's it right?) sounds like an angel then sounds badass when he screams n whatnot. i'd recommend more songs than just bo bee gee. push is another of my favorite songs..the chorus is again very beautiful! if i fall, empty inside and unbelievable are great too. i don't think theres any songs i personally didn't enjoy on this album, which is why it's one of the first albums i talk about here! they have some music videos to watch too, for if i fall and song 1. they also have a self-titled EP but i like this album more than yeah. if you like nu-metal with more pretty-sounding singing (if u definitely like that i'd say if i fall is a nice song for you.) but still loud n stuff..sorry i'm not good with words..with nice relatable (i'd assume to most people) lyrics then this is a good album to listen to!

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