i hate disney itself..not the movies..i like disney movies..but disneyland and universal was real fun! i'm including them together since i don't wanna waste pages and they're basically the same. i had a funner time at universal since the rides were scarier, especially this big jurrassic world i think it was? ride..it was so high up n fast, i love those rides, i actually have never been on a roller coaster so i'm glad my 1st experiene was a kickass one! the rides at disney were slower but had more things to look at yk? like the nightmare before christmas..i love that movie, and it was real slow so me n my lil brother were talkin bout..korn...on the way while lookin at all the cool robot guys. i heard the ones in japan are the best, so looks like i got the best experience on my 1st time to disneyland.. also back to universal, idk bout other ppl, but i legit love minions. which is why i loved watching the minions dance when i first got there, people call them scary but theyre really cute to me i loved watching them dance around man..
the pigeons are very bold in japan.
the food was very cute..or should i say..kawaii...that's like the only japanese word i know..pretty sure it means cute..