Stitches Nervepitch

...learn about me n stuff...i'll probably update this in the future. additional info/yapping in the profile section linked on the side, more related to nu-metal and my favorites...

Bio ~written 7/21

a bit about me .. i've done surveys with more err specific questions on my spacehey blog but they're a bit old n cringey so i'd rather u read this one which is sort of swiped from other sites lol..the questions that is....


my name is eli but some closer friends call me el..nickname of a nickname. i'm 14 which is sort of a coincidence since i named my site f81 song.. i'm mexican and palauan i live in saipan which is an island but it's a part of the US. i may move to AZ or texas pretty soon. maybe i'll update on this soon. my bday is oct 7 n my fav animals are monkeys.


it's summer n i'm not sure what school i'm going to. maybe i'll update this part in the future too ..the last school i went to was mcs n it sucked ass i only liked a couple ppl there ..being my friends and other random ppl.. n i'm not really the type of person to hate ppl for no reason at all. i'm going to 8th grade, i know, young ..most of my classmates are younger than me..but it's okay..most times..there's pros and cons to younger(ish) people..


i'd like to believe in god and jesus but it's a bit difficult sometimes. mainly becuz other 'christians/catholics' are 90% of the time just doing it for yk.. 'show' and go to be bitches those pastors who go on to rape kids.. but i guess those aren't real christians or catholics. whatever.. at least i don't see them as one.. but usually i try to stay err faithful or whatever even tho im quite the sinner.. who isn't? and as for other religions ..i don't really mind them. i think whatever is real to someone is real..if that makes any sense. kind of like in the simpsons where theres multiple 'heavens' yk?


obviously i love to listen to music..i'm a huge nu-metal fan. i could yap about different bands for hours and hours.. salute :) i love searching for new bands to listen to, and i love a lot more than just nu-metal! i also like to draw, play video games, do dumb 'survey' type things nobody will read ..such as this 1, ect. i don't do a lot of things but i find them fun. i like to blog which is basically yapping in a different font like i said. i had an old website i made 'blogs' on but its bad, which is why i'm making this website. to replace it..


my friends are my favorite part of my family..i haven't gotten to hang out all summer cuz i got summer school since im stupid which sucks. but at least i'm able to call and play online games yk? but for blood family i'm the oldest with an obese rat and some toddler. whenever i'm like 'this sucks' i remember that people think the oldest bros r coolest n that gets me all full of myself for a minute B\ i have a mom and a dad as most people do and obviously i live with them. i like to stay at my grandmas house a lot tho since i have 2 uncles to bully ..come on i don't mean it..just in a joking way..ud bully a bald fortnite player too..


musics my #1 favorite thing.. as i said earlier i'm a huge nu-metal fan's my obsession..factory 81s my favorite band in the world, i love them. but you couldn't make me choose a few favorite bands other than f81.. i know what WOULD be in my favorites list tho. 100% folder, i've made a blog about them a few months ago that i'm remaking rn, i'd like to make fansites despite being shit at coding cuz it sounds like alotta fun..i know fansites r supposed to like mainly have news n stuff n 90% of nu metal bands disbanded like 2 decades ago but i really dont care. ok back to the point.. snot, primer 55, hmm...maybe limp bizkit and coal chamber also. people say limp bizkit is gay but i don't agree. they kick ass. people who say that are the real fags. i know, i know..i named like, the most popular bands ever...but whatever..they're more popular for a reason! no insult to underground bands i still love them. ok no more nu-metal talk..i have a huge list of bands, rappers, artists, ect. i listed on spacehey. from keyshia cole to choking victim to odd future to gorepot to panchiko to reel big fish to kmfdm to nujabes to malice mizer to sam cooke to extize to dmx n back to sean kingston. ok my music taste isn't that different i know..i wish it was but it ain't really...i can't stand 'everything'..or sometimes i can. cuz yk some countrys good. some taylor swift is decent. like 3 songs.. but still.


i can't take anything seriously ..which is worse than it sounds.

i like 'girly' stuff nail polish n jewlery or piercings..'ladylike' ones.. i don't consider them girly but alotta ppl do..even stuff like skirts! unfortunately i can't wear skirts any time other than halloween without bein embarrassed. or called a sissy.. it's called expression..the people who say that are always closeted gays..have you noticed that? no wonder they abuse their girlfriends...strange

i again? have more cons than pros..n not rlly in a 'quirky' way..physically and uhhhhh not physically idk what the word is.

my fav video games r half life n postal

my fav shows r jackass and viva la bam

i can't stop talkin just tell me to shut up!

my most fav consumable thing on this planet is mtn dew ..i love it so's even better than dr pepper.

i get jealous a bit easy over things that don't matter a lot.

uhh ok i need to say something positive again. my favorite item(s) of outfits are either jewlery or pants as long as theyre big big big.

my fav sports team r 49ers

i also like long as they have big pretty pictures. ion like books without pictures. i like stuff such as doawk or jthm